Yoga in a Day keeps your Diabetes Away, Amazingly !
Yoga in a Day keeps your Diabetes Away, Amazingly !

“True YOGA is not about the shape of your body, but the shape of your life. Yoga is not to be performed; yoga is to be lived. Yoga doesn’t care about what you have been; yoga cares about the person you are becoming. Yoga is designed for a vast and profound purpose, and for it to be truly called yoga, its essence must be embodied.” — Aadil Palkhivala

“DIABETES” the ballgame can happen to anybody, no matter what age, genetic or place history. Yet, no need to take so much pressure about it because the status/condition can be controlled by a little care and awareness. There are two types of diabetes-insulin dependent and weight management dependent.

If you are a diabetes patient then all you need is to follow only three golden rules: Good food..!! Proper regular exercise..!!Yoga practice every-day..!!

yesNo-more diabetes, yoga can help to fight..!!!

  • Stress one of the main reasons for many diseases, including diabetes. It increases the secretion of glucagon hormones in the body. So, to control diabetes first no need to control stress.The asanas like Pranayamas and a meditation can help you to come out from stress.
  • Sun Salutation and Kapal Bharti pranayamas are the major one to reduce weight loss. It will helpful for the type 2 diabetes (weight management)
  • Yoga practice can help reduce sugar level in the blood including blood pressure, reducing symptoms and slowing the progression rate of diabetes.
  • Shoulder Stand, Lying-Down Body twist, Kneeling pose, Bow Posture, Two-legged forward bend.

yesKeeps diabetes under control…!!!

1.Pranayama:The best to reduce stress.Breathing in and out helps oxygenate your blood.Steps:

  • Sit rigid and fold your legs (cross)

  • Straighten your back,keep your chin parallel to the floor,put your hands on knees and close your eyes.

  • Inhale…hold & five count… Exhale.!

  • Rub your palm together and place them on your eyes.Repeat!

2.Vajrasana:It helps to improve digestion and massages the kanda,also helpful to relax your mind.Steps:

  • Sit and kneel on the mat, let the top surface of feet touch the mat,in order to heels are pointing upwards.

  • Place your buttocks on your heels,put your palms on your knees, facing downwards and breath…!!!Repeat.

3.Setubandhasana:Helpsto control blood pressure,relax your mind and also improves digestion.Steps:

  • Lie flat on the floor with your feet flat on the floor.

  • Exhale..!! Push up and off the floor with your feet.

  • Hike your body up in way that your neck and head are flat on the floor,and rest part is in the air.

  • Come back to normal position and repeat.

4.Dhanurasana: Give great strength to your back and spine and also stimulate the reproductive organs, reduce stress.Steps:

  • Go down on stomach with your feet hip-width apart and arms by the body side.

  • Fold the knees and hold ankles.Inhale..!

  • Lift your chest off the floor and pull your legs up and back. 

  • Look straight hold for few seconds and come back to original position.

5.Paschimotasana: It helps to strengthen the thigh and muscles,blood flow to the face and improve stomach function.Steps :

  • Sit with legs stretched out on the floor.

  • Hold the big toe of your feet with your index finger  and thumb.

  • Exhale and slowly bend forward and try to touch your forehead to knees. 

  • Hold for a minute and inhale,come back to normal position.


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