Potato and Turmeric are best for face pack
Potato and Turmeric are best for face pack

Girls use a lot of beauty products to make their colors fair. These beauty products can sometimes have side effects too. Today, we are going to tell you a method that will not only make your color white but also protect your skin from sun burn.

1- To get white skin, take out the potato juice and leave the tissue sheet mask for a while. Then when this sheet mask completely absorbs potato juice completely, then put it on your face. Leave it for twenty minutes. Then wash with cold water.

2- If your skin has become loose, mix the egg white in an potato juice and make the face pack. Now you can apply this pack on your face and neck too. After washing it with twenty feet for twenty minutes, wash it with clean water.

3- Use potato and turmeric face facts to improve your skin. Mix some turmeric in potato juice. Then put it on your neck and face and leave for half an hour. Wash it after half an hour.

4- To get rid of Pimples, make a paste by grinding the potatoes and then add two to three spoons of Multani soil and a little rose water. Now put this pack on your face and neck. Leave for half an hour, after which wash it.

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Potato and Turmeric are best for face pack

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