Do you know you are a ‘Short Tempered’???
Do you know you are a ‘Short Tempered’???

We often show our emotions according to the situation. Some people are extrovert and some are introvert, many times we are unaware about our actual behavior. Whatever we do we find it all right and just ignore it. But the possibility is, problem may be with your behavior not others, Here are seven signs which will tell you, are you a short tempered person or not??

You feel irritated when you can’t put your views and compelled to listen others’:

If you always want o speak and make others to listen and if they deny then you just pretend as you are listening to them then, you are kind of dominating one and can’t bare anybody else’s talk.

You always complain:

It’s not necessary that angry person only complains about his or her partner. Short tempered person have complain about each and every small thigs.

You always recall your partner’s deed:

If you have problem in forgiving your partner due to his or her misdeed or you pretend like you have forgiven your partner but still, you feel frustrated when you recognize it.

Small deeds can heat your body:

If your body gets warm when you get angry this shows the height of your anger that suddenly raise when you get angry. These kinds of people generally influence their brain negatively.

You behave overly sensitive:

Sometimes you feel aggravated even on the small joke, on which everybody just laugh and ignore. You may be feeling wrong but if you will be like this soon you will lost your social life. 

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