'South Korean President' bill boarded by revolters to resign
'South Korean President' bill boarded by revolters to resign

Park Geun-Hye, President of South Korea is facing serious protests by the citizens to give up her post. On Saturday many people came in against of her, as she accepted that she had taken guidance from her friend, Choi soon-sil and asked for public apology, that ultimately infuriated the people and they came out to protest against her.

The rally took place in downtown Seoul, and around 2,60,000 crowd gathered there. People from all walks of life including students, families and young couples came to strike peacefully and boycott her rule.

“Park Geun-hye! Today! Step down! Immediately! Step down! Now!” recited the demonstraters. A married women came with her family and said , "I’m here so that this country will be a better place for my daughters, Park Geun-hye did wrong. She must step down right now."

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