Create your path from the first morning of 2017 !!!
Create your path from the first morning of 2017 !!!

Every time during New Year, we think that I always make plans but it never works. Haha! many of us are much weak when it comes about determination, we plan to exercise but after four days what happens, we know very well? Okay, lets forget everything that was past and think of the future that will be present soon.

Here are 10 ways to make your 2017 charming and blissful:

Love yourself and feel proud for what you have:

Don't feel regret for what you don't have, feel lucky about what you have. If we love ourselves then, no matter what gradges around you, what everybody think of you or what they will think of you. You will be happy because that time, you will be you and nobody else. Have your competition with yourself: Competing with others is senseless, do you know why? When you compete with others you get restricted to the limit, but the time when you will compete with yourself there will be no limit of your competition and achievements too.

Control which is in your hand and ignore which can't be:

Every time, everything will be in control is not necessary; the things which cannot be controlled by you don't cling onto it, let it go. Your struggle to control these kinds of situation is as similar as trying to hold soap bubble into your hand.

Have your own world of happiness:

Why to find happiness always outside? its always with you, in your heart with your will. Be happy for yourself, its not necessary to have reason behind happiness, feel good, be happy and calm, you will be out of the world of negativity which induces stress and frustration.

Don't run away of the problems, run over problems:

Everyone have problems in their life, in this world each and every person you find will be with problems of one kind or other. If you easily get depressed of it then you are mentally weak, sometimes 'let it go as it is' is the good lesson.

Have some special time with loved ones:

Melancholy is the worst feeling in the world; however, even if you are with you family but you don't have time to sit and talk to them its worthless. Its better to pick out some of the time to spend with your loved ones.

Never forget what you have learnt from your past:

Some people learn from their mistakes and some of them just cling to the guilt. It's fine, you should learn from your mistakes that will improve you but, just depressing yourself will not result anything.

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Never harm yourself, even if you feel unloved in relationship

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