Warning signs that show you’re Unhealthy!!!
Warning signs that show you’re Unhealthy!!!

Your body sends you a lot of warning signs naturally, if you’re living an unhealthy lifestyle. But either you are ignoring them or you have no clue what is going on.

The word “unhealthy” is truly striking at some serious concerns to our overall physical and mental integrity. Here are few warning signs to look for.

Greying too early

Premature greying can have a medical cause. If you have 50% grey hair before the age of 40, you should probably be checked for diabetes.

Bad Skin

A poor diet can really impact your skin quality, and if you’re noticing blemishes like stretch marks, that should tell you that something is wrong.

Frequent Urination

The average person excretes between five and eight cups of urine every 24 hours. Having an overactive bladder is uncomfortable and means that you have injuries, diabetes, cancer or certain conditions affecting muscles, nerves, and tissues. It could also be a sign of kidney infection or bladder stones.

Swollen Neck

If your glands enlarge overnight It may indicate Graves' disease, an overactive thyroid condition that is most common in women aged between 20 and 50, especially likely if your eyes are also prominent and you're losing weight.

Poor Sleep

If you sleep irregularly or short yourself on hours, your body will not be able to function as efficiently as it could. Stress is often a main cause for this. Unfortunately, this can trigger a vicious cycle.

Bad Finger and toe Nails

Your finger and toe nails could also give you a heads-up if you’re unhealthy. You must lookout for ridges, discoloration, and bumps, which shows a red flag.

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