Corona wreaking havoc on Maharashtra police, 1140 policemen test positive, 10 dead

Mumbai: There is panic in Maharashtra due to Corona epidemic. At present, Maharashtra is the most affected state of the coronavirus in the country. The corona is wreaking havoc on the common people of Maharashtra as well as the policemen there. In the last 24 hours, 79 Maharashtra Police personnel have been found to be Corona positive. So far, a total of 1140 policemen in Maharashtra have suffered from corona, while ten have also died.

In Maharashtra, 268 policemen have been cured of the disease and 862 are undergoing treatment. On Friday, 1,576 new cases of coronavirus infection were reported in Maharashtra. With these new cases, the number of people infected here has risen to 29,100. Giving information, the Health Department has said that with the death of 49 more patients, the number of dead in the state has gone up to 1,068.

With this, 505 people have been discharged from the hospital on Friday. The number of people who have been cured after treatment is now 6,564. The statement said that out of 49, 36 people died in Mumbai. In addition, 933 out of 1,576 new cases of infection have been reported from Mumbai. So far, corona test of two lakh 50 thousand 436 people has been done in the state.

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