Political drama resumed in Karnataka, 16 BJP MLAs against CM Yeddyurappa

Bangalore: Everyone is watching the political upheaval that is going on in Madhya Pradesh, but apart from this, the political 'drama' is also continuing in Karnataka. In a meeting of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MLAs on Thursday, some MLAs have openly come out in protest against the state CM BS Yeddyurappa and questioned his manner of functioning.

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There have been reports of uproar in the Karnataka BJP. Meanwhile, a meeting was called by CM Yeddyurappa. Out of these, 16 BJP MLAs questioned the functioning of BS Yeddyurappa, besides targeting the intervention of his family. Around 16 MLAs said that he would not speak against CM Yeddyurappa on an open platform, but he would definitely raise the issue during a meeting with him. There was such an atmosphere against CM Yeddyurappa in the meeting that he could not speak anything. Due to the constant debate, this meeting was soon ended.

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In February, two BJP MLAs, former CM and JDS leader H.D. Had met with Kumaraswamy. After which the tone of rebellion in BJP was revealed. A few days ago, the cabinet was expanded in Karnataka, in which the defected leaders were included by CM BS Yeddyurappa in their cabinet. The old leaders of the BJP were not given a place in it, due to which they are now seen adopting rebellious attitude.

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