Over 76 lakh people recovered from Corona in India, recovery rate surges to 92 percent

New Delhi: The Union Ministry of Health and Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) held a joint press conference on Tuesday over coronavirus in the country. In this, Secretary of the Ministry of Health, Rajesh Bhushan and Director General of ICMR Dr. Balram Bhargava gave information about the condition of corona in the country.

Health Ministry Secretary Rajesh Bhushan said that more than 76 lakh people in India have become healthy by beating Corona. So far, about 11 crore 17 lakh corona tests have been done with the help of 2000 labs. The recovery rate is 92 percent. Bhushan said that ever since the corona epidemic started, the overall positivity rate has been 7.4 percent. There are 5,991 cases of corona being registered per 10 lakh population in the country. At the same time, 5,944 cases are being registered per 10 lakh population in the world. Bhushan said, the weekly positivity rate is 4.4 percent while the daily positivity rate is 3.7 percent.

The ministry further said that 89 people per 10 lakh population have died in India, while 154 deaths per 10 lakh population have been recorded worldwide. The number of active cases in the country has come down to 5,41,405, this shows that there is no undue burden on our hospitals.

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