There were 9 nurses in this hospital together pregnant, now all gave birth to children together!

A few months ago, a very interesting case came to light in Portland, U.S.A., where nine nurses in a hospital became pregnant at the same time and now all of them have been given birth to babies by nurses and now all these pictures are once again on social media. 

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In fact, all the nurses worked in the Labour and Delivery Unit of the Main Medical Hospital. The hospital administration itself was greeted with special compliments while sharing their photos on its official Facebook page. According to media reports, delivery of all pregnant nurses was to take place between April and July and something similar has happened. All of these nurses range in age from 3 weeks to 3.5 months.

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Earlier, the pictures of the nurses during their pregnancy went viral, with all the nurses appearing in hospital attire and all had a card in their hands on which their delivery date was written. The issue has been in the spotlight of media around the world since then.

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