Wrap root of this plant in red cloth and kept in the vault to get wealthy

It is said that in any house, where the plant of Whiteark Ganpati is planted, the Vaastu Dosh is automatically eradicated. Actually, whoever plants a white mud plant in his house definitely gets a miraculous result. With this, the grace of Lord Shiva and Ganesha remains on applying it and good health and wealth is also obtained. Now today we tell you about its benefits.

Use in worship - It is said that white mud is also used in worship and Lord Shiva is worshiped with its flower.

Communication of positive energy - It is said that living in the office and office of white mud comes to communicate positive energy. With this, the path of economic prosperity starts coming.

Get rid of bad eyesight - It is said that milk plant is white milk and it is always in the house. It is said that due to its presence there is no side effect of bad eyesight in the house.

Success in works - It is said that even after a lot of efforts, success is not being achieved in the works, then the root of the white figure should be burnt and its tilak should be consumed.

Fortune in the house - It is also said that Barkat persists on keeping the root of the figure in the house, for this, in auspicious time, it should be wrapped in red cloth and kept in the vault. By doing this money starts to benefit.

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