Afghanistan: President Ashraf Ghani gets highest number of votes

The initial results of the presidential election of Afghanistan, India's friendly country, are coming out. President Ashraf Ghani has got 923,868 i.e. 50.64% votes. Ghani is still leading in the results coming out. The Independent Election Commission (IEC) said that the total turnout in the presidential election, which also included allegations of large-scale fraud, had 1.9 million turnout, with Ghani who achieved 50.64% of the vote. The Commission said that this is enough to win in the first round. IEC chief Hawa Alam Nuristani said in a press conference that the results may change after the last phase.

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According to media reports, Afghanistan was voted for the presidency in September. About 96 lakh voters participated in the election for the election of the new President of the country. However, the Taliban have threatened voters and told to stay away from the voting process. There were bomb blasts in many places during the voting. There was a bomb blast at the polling station in southern Afghanistan. 15 people were injured in this incident.

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There was a blast in Kabul just a few hours before the commencement of voting in Afghanistan to create a disruption in voting. The coalition army officials had confirmed the blast but they did not tell who did the blast and how many people died.

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