Numerology: Today's lucky number and auspicious colors

In astrology, any person's auspicious number is calculated according to the person's date of birth. Which is called Radix. Radix is the sum of the digits of the date of birth. For example, if a person was born on April 22, then the sum of their two digits comes to 2 + 2 = 4. This is called Radix. If someone's date of birth is two digits ie 11, his radius will be 1 + 1 = 2. Apart from this, the total sum of the date of birth, birth month and year of birth is called Bhagyank. For example, if someone is born on 22-04-2016, the sum of all these digits is called Bhagyank. 2 + 2 + 0 + 4 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 6 = 33 = 6 ie your luck is 6.

Number - 1 Efforts will be hampered. There will be disappointment from colleagues in the field of work. There will be general money gain in business. Family life will be normal. Life partner may complain to you. Auspicious number - 10 Good color - Saffron

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Number - 2 Will get the support of an effective person. Engagement in work area will increase. There will be a profit in business. The mind will remain restless. It can be a meeting with a particular relative. Auspicious number - 20 Good color - White

Number - 3 Respect will increase in society. New job opportunities can be found. There will be great benefits in business. The economic side is looking weak. Expenses will increase. Auspicious number - 5 Good color - yellow

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Number - 4 Will meet an integral friend. Economic sector will improve. There will be a profit in business. There will be peace at home. May hang out with friends. May be worried about your work area. Auspicious number - 8 Good color - Dark blue

Number - 5 There will be a success in stuck work. Position reputation in the job may increase. There will be an expected profit in the business. In the case of love, a quarrel with a partner is possible. Auspicious number - 4 Good color - Green

Number - 6 There will be trouble in the work area. Financial pressure will remain. There will be little profit in the business. Health will improve. Today you can spend time with friends, relatives. Auspicious number - 11 Good color - Pink

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Number - 7 Introduction with an effective person. New paths of development will be found. You will get a lot of money. There will be a profit in business. Today you can get some surprising news. Auspicious number - 9 Good color - Pied

Number - 8 You will get success in governance. The government sector will benefit. Business will improve. The mind will be happy. Heart can be relieved by meeting your loved ones. Auspicious number - 7 Good color - Black

Number - 9 Government work may get stuck. Engagement in religious work will increase. Business benefits will be good. Avoid debate today. Auspicious number - 3 Good color - Red

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