Corona wreaks havoc in these cities including Beijing

Beijing: Coronavirus, which has taken the form of global epidemic worldwide, has killed millions of people today. Every day the epidemic is increasing in front of the havoc of this virus. Due to this virus, people are facing many trouble. Moreover, due to this virus, an environment of destruction is being created in the whole world today. The death toll has crossed 4 lakh 28 thousand.

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Lockdown enforced in parts of Beijing: Lockdown has been implemented in parts of China's capital Beijing after a new group of coronavirus was discovered. AFP News Agency has given this news.

839 deaths in the US in last 24 hours: According to Johns Hopkins University, there have been 839 deaths due to coronavirus. In the last 24 hours in the US, the total number of deaths due to coronavirus in the US has been 1,14,613. According to the Worldometer, the death toll has reached 1,16,825 by 8 o'clock on Saturday morning and the number of infected has reached 21,16,922.

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Brazil is the second most affected country: Brazil has reached second place in the number of infected people among the increasing cases of Coronavirus in the world. This information has been given by the Brazilian Ministry of Health. America ranks first among the countries most affected by Corona.

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