BJP leader shahnawaz khan slams Rahul Gandhi for surrender Modi remark

New Delhi: Former Congress President Rahul Gandhi has once again attacked PM Narendra Modi. Taking on the Galvan crisis, Rahul Gandhi targeted PM Modi and said that Narendra Modi is really Surrender Modi. The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has reacted sharply to Rahul's statement. At the same time, Rahul Gandhi is surrounded by this tweet on the spelling of the surrender, because the spelling of the surrender was misspelled.

On Rahul Gandhi's remarks, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) hit back, saying that the language that Rahul is using is not being used by even the leaders of the enemy country. Rahul should apologize for this. BJP said that Rahul Gandhi is crossing all limits. BJP leader Shahnawaz Hussain said that the words of Rahul Gandhi are not used by the enemy country even for the PM of India, like the words Rahul Gandhi is using for the popular PM Modi of the country. But Rahul Gandhi continues to despise both the 'Prime Minister' and the 'Country'.

At the same time, Ravinder Raina, president of the BJP unit of Jammu and Kashmir, also retaliated by calling Rahul Gandhi PM Modi, "Surrender Modi". Taking a dig at the Gandhi-Nehru family, Ravinder Raina said that Rahul Gandhi's ancestors surrendered to China and overtook the nation.

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