Guests who came to attend the wedding got such a surprise that your sense would fly after knowing!

By the way, everyone thinks of doing something different and new in their wedding, which will remain as a memento later. Victoria and Tom Brown, who live in England, have done something similar. Where they gave such a surprise to the guests at the wedding, that they were surprised to see that this wedding was as memorable for Victoria and Tom Brown as it has become memorable for the wedding guests.

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It means to say that as close as the wedding of Victoria and Tom Brown was, the more they were worried about catering. Because they could not understand which food should be fed to the guests at the wedding. One day jokingly, both of them had said that guests should be fed with pizza. What was it then, they made it as their wedding dish.

On the same wedding day, Victoria and Tom ordered pizza, but at the same time, they were also afraid that whether the pizza will come on time or not and if it will be hot or not. But as soon as the pizza arrived, all their troubles were overcome. Tom said that the service at the pizza outlet was excellent. They did all the work on time. Now that the guests at the wedding were not told about the menu of the food, so seeing the pizza in the food, their senses flew away, but at the same time, they liked it.

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According to Victoria, the pizza outlet also liked the idea of Victoria and Tom. Where they had supplied 30 large size pizzas, 20 garlic bread, boxes of 20 chicken strips and boxes of 20 wedges. According to the information, the best thing was that in this unique menu of marriage, only 32 thousand rupees were spent, whereas, in weddings, at least one lakh rupees are spent on catering.

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