Diamond Princess Cruise: Hong Kong launches special facility to bring back its citizens

Free chartered aircraft will be arranged for Hong Kong residents. Hong Kong has started this facility in Yokohama, Japan to protect its people trapped on the Diamond Princess. When they reach Hong Kong by this plane. After that they will be kept in a separate ward for 14 days, after that they will be tested for coronavirus, they will be discharged after everything is found right.

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According to the information given by the cruise company about this matter. There are about 300 Hong Kong residents aboard this ship. It is known that this aircraft was stopped in Yokohama after being found a patient of Coronavirus. Now Hong Kong has offered to bring its residents directly by chartered plane by ship.

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Till Sunday, the number of people who died of Coronavirus has reached 1596. According to Global Times report, 1843 new corona patients were found in Hubei province on Sunday. Of these, 888 investigations were found positive. In this way, the number of patients infected with coronavirus has reached 68 thousand 500 so far. 5623 patients affected by the coronavirus have been cured after treatment and have also been sent back to their homes.

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