China's bottleneck, laid traps for the poor Countries

The Government of India has unveiled several projects internationally in various countries. With this China has also helped many countries and also made trap for them. India always  always extends helping hand without any expectations, keeping sovereignty in mind.  But China only proves its selfishness and take advantage of the trouble of poor countries. Now Pakistan has been traped by China. This is the reason why Imran Khan hides his face when masses aks him about Uighur Muslim. Even Sri Lanka got a lesson when China occupied the port of Humbantota for non-payment of debt.

Today India has about five hundred projects going on in other countries, of which three hundred have been completed. The whole world know the behaviour of China, yet it is the world's biggest debtor and fraudster with 1.5 trillion loans distributed in 150 countries. China is expanding its footprint from Kabul to Islamabad for its CPEC project.  But India is aware of four hundred projects going on in educational to power supply and roads. These projects will certainly play an important role in building strong bilateral relation with Kabul. 

Human beings need communication and many things to survive. As society changes, so our needs also changes. But the pandemic that came last year forced many people to sit at home without work, people started stealing, kidnapping children and demanding money from their family members. Even many people became victims of starvation.  Governments started distributing ration, providing free foods. But ration also become limited in several States. In such a situation, The Govt has released lockdown but still a large number of people are unemployed. 

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