Frear of Corona increases, 8 people returned to Kangra from China and other regions

Shimla: There is an increasing fear among people of Himachal about the Coronavirus. 8 people from China have reached Kangra at their home. Where he called the number 104 and requested the government for health services. It is being said that the department has checked everyone and kept them in observation in their house for 14 days. They have been instructed not to meet the family and other families. 179 people have returned from China and other Corona-affected areas. These include 8 new people from Kangra. The 28-day observation time of 93 people who have returned from China and other Corona-affected areas is over.

According to the information received, it has been learned that they have been instructed to meet people. 86 people are still on observation. The State Government has come to know from the continuous dialogue with the Union Health Ministry that the number of victims of corona in China is increasing steadily. A student of Himachal will be handed over to Himachal by 19 February under the supervision of the Union Health Ministry. This student is in the ITBP campus. Meanwhile, Additional Chief Secretary Health RD Dhiman said that people are being made aware of the disease.

For your information, let us tell you that 8 people have increased in the list. But these people informed the government that he too had gone to China, in which case he has been placed on observation. Some people kept on observation, it has been more than 28 days. Where he has now been asked to meet family and people.

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