Chamba people who joined Tablighi Jamaat test negative for corona

New Delhi: Millions of people have been found infected by a coronavirus. At the same time, 14 people of Himachal Chamba district who were involved in the Tablighi Jamaat in Delhi Nizamuddin Markaz, have not been found to have symptoms of corona. On Wednesday, Zakir Hussain and Barkat Ali gave this information by calling their relatives. After the health check-up process on Tuesday night, 12 people have been kept in New Delhi Narela, while Zakir Hussain and Barkat Ali have been kept in quarantine at Badarpur Vidyalaya, New Delhi.

According to the information received, signs of corona virus have been found in some people in Delhi Nizamuddin Markaz. After which there was an atmosphere of panic among the people. All the people of Himachal were kept healthy and none of them were kept in the International Cricket Stadium in Delhi. Calling his relatives, Takir Hussain and Barkat Ali said that their health check-up was done late last night. All the people who went from Himachal were cured in buses in the middle of Tuesday at 12 midnight.

It is also being said that after which 12 people from the state have been quarantined in Narela in New Delhi whereas, Takir and Barkat have been quarantined in a school in Badarpur in New Delhi. He has been quarantined for 14 days. After which they will be sent back to their homes. It is a shame that the state was stirred up after the people of Churah, who came under the constituency of Churah, under the constituency of Dalhousie, District Chamba with their community in Delhi Nizamuddin Markaz.

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