Cybercrime also scares people along with Coronavirus

London: On one hand, the fear of a growing epidemic like Coronavirus is causing panic for the people, and new crimes of crime are coming out in every corner of the world. The fear of the matter has increased even more now that such incidents happening day and night can cause big problems for people. Panic is developing among the people due to cybercrime all over the world.

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According to the information received, cyber criminals can make it difficult for the world facing the epidemic. Countries like America, Britain, where the virus has been detected day and night. Cyber attack-based drug companies, supported by the governments of some countries, are trying to steal confidential information from research centers.

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Sensing the danger, the US Cyber Security and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and the National Cyber Security Center (NCSC) of Britain have issued an alert on Tuesday. The NCSC and CISA said without naming any country that hackers are trying to steal important information related to Corona from pharmaceutical companies and research organizations. However, if the US and UK officials believe that the attempt of cyber attack is likely to be from China, Iran and some Russian hackers. If both officials are to be believed, Tehran, Beijing and Moscow are constantly denying cyber attacks in this case.

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