World Cup hockey winner Ashok Dewan stranded in America

Ashok Dewan, who was a member of India's only World Cup winning hockey team, has been stuck in the US due to travel restrictions due to Kovid-19. The 65-year-old former Olympian, who is unwell these days, wants to return home immediately and for this he requested sports minister Kiren Rijiju and the Ministry of External Affairs immediately through Indian Olympic Association (IOA) and International Hockey Federation (FIH) President Narinder Batra.  Ashok Dewan was the goalkeeper of the team that won the World Cup after defeating Pakistan in the final in Kuala Lumpur in 1975. Last week due to high blood pressure, he had to be admitted to a hospital in California. Ashok Dewan was scheduled to return to India on April 20 by Air India flight, but due to the global havoc of the Corona epidemic, his flight dates to India were pushed forward. In a WhatsApp message sent to IOA President Narinder Batra, former Indian women's hockey team coach and Dhyanchand Awardee Dewan said, "These days I am not feeling well. In the US, treatment is much more expensive. I do not have any type of insurance in America. In such a situation, I request you to send this message to the Honorable Sports Minister and Foreign Minister. So that my health check-up in San Francisco hospital or from there can help in arranging my coming to India soon. If any kind of bills remain, I will pay on my return to India.

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