Dates - The Best Food For Heart Attack, Stroke and Cholesterol!

Dates are known to be very healthy. They have many health benefits and healthy properties. It helps to protect ourselves from different diseases and disorders. It is the number one food to improve your cardiovascular function and prevent strokes and heart attacks.

Health Benefits of Dates

1. Iron Source

Dates are a great source of iron. We need our daily intake of iron which is very important for good health. Dates are recommended for pregnant women and children.

2. Controls Body Weight

Dates boost the metabolism and helps with burning fat. Eating dates on an empty stomach on regular basis helps you to lose weight.

3. Regulates Cholesterol

Dates regulates cholesterol levels and improves the blood circulation. It also cleanses the blood vessels and prevents blood clot formation.

4. Good for Eyes

Dates contain lutine and zeaxantine which is very good for our eyes. If you have eye problems consume dates daily to improve your eyesight.

5. Diarrhea

Dates help to treat diarrhea. Eating dates on a regular basis will lead to good bacteria formation in the intestine and stomach.

6. Constipation

Taking the juice of dates acts as a laxative helping if you are constipated. Put several dates in a glass of water and let them remain overnight. Drink the juice the next day.

7. Cardiovascular Function

Dates are known to strengthen the heart. They contain a lot of nutrients that helps to regulate the blood pressure and boost the cardiovascular functions hence protecting us from heart attacks and strokes.

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