Delhi: Asif Iqbal arrested in Jamia violence case

New Delhi: Asif Iqbal Tanha, a student of Jamia Millia University, has been arrested by the Delhi Police in the violence that broke out in Jamia Nagar in the national capital, Delhi on December 2019. Asif is also a member of the Islamic Organization. Asif Iqbal Umar Khalid, Sharjeel Imam, Meeran Haider and Safura, who were arrested on charges of rioting, are said to be extremely special.

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Asif Jamia is also a member of the Co-ordination Committee. It had an important role in the anti-CAA Protest and riots. Delhi Police Special Cell has arrested Safura, Meeran Haider in 124A / UAPA. Sharjeel Imam is also booked for sedition and has been arrested, currently Sharjeel is in the custody of Assam Police. Omar Khalid, who is accused of raising anti-national slogans and organizing programs for Afzal Guru at Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), and Delhi Police had filed a case under sedition and filed a charge sheet, also accused in the Delhi riots. 

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Although the police have not yet questioned Umar Khalid in this regard, soon the case registered under UAPA can be questioned and action can be taken.

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