Depression In Men And Ways To Help!

Women suffer depression more than men do. But in recent cases we find the ones who suffer the most are men. If a man is dealing with depression, you may not know and will not be able to offer the help he needs. This article will help you on how to go about helping men in depression and ways that it can be avoided.

Men who are depressed are more likely to express their depression outwardly. They hide their depression as they feel it is a sigh of weakness. Most men who suffer depression tend to have more distractions than women. This could be harmful if those distractions include alcohol and drugs. Men who are depressed may suddenly become more irritable and get angry real fast. Some get drawn to food for comfort, even though they eat less. Some men ignore their family and relationships. Depression in men can have a negative impact on family life, career performance and social functioning.

There are ways that can reduce the depression in men:

Finding Passion

Help them finding their passion. This will make them forget about the stress or any kind of unpleasant incident and focus on what makes them happy

Ask him to see a therapist

Working with a therapist helps reduce the stress. It makes him realize what he is going through. He lets out his thoughts and that makes him feel lighter.


There are a number of studies that show the effects of exercise that is good for physical and psychological health. It is one of the treatments to prevent depression.

Pamper him

Some men are very sensitive and hard to approach but when you approach them in a gentle and caring manner they tend to respond better.

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