Do you have excess facial hair ? Check it out the reason ..!!!

Every woman is beautiful and she loves herself. That is the reason, why we nourish ourselves so. Sometime some of the problems lead and we can’t get its solution. If you have problem then you should know its root, because till the time we don’t know ‘why?’ we can’t decide to do ‘what’ ….. So let’s know ‘why’ and then decide ‘what’:

1. Hormonal imbalance: There may be certain cases where excess production of male hormones in women can cause excess hairs, and this condition is called “Hirsutism”. And the hormonal imbalance is called PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome).

2. Genetic or racial: Some female who belong to Indian subcontinent or Mediterranean countries are prone to facial hair growth. If this is the reason to your hair growth then learn to manage because you can’t do anything.

3. Excess growth of Androgens: Some women have more facial hair due to more production of androgen in them. If androgen level be in control then the growth will be minimum.

4. Medication: Some of the medicines are responsible for hair growth and women with regular medication or if you take painkillers, aspirin and birth control pill in common then you will get more hair growth.

5. Feelings/Emotions: Many of us face different situation. Our every emotion put some impact on our body thus some negative feelings tend to have adverse effect on our body that leads to facial hairs. So be positive.

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