Dog and cat blood bank runs in this country

Blood donation is called life donation and this donation is called the biggest donation. In such a situation, people feel good after donating blood, while you would not know that blood donation is no longer limited to human blood. Today where we are going to tell that dogs and cats also donate blood. After hearing this you will be surprised but it is true. There are some countries in the world where blood banks have been established for domestic animals like dogs and cats.

Most of the blood in these blood banks is from dogs and cats because people keep dogs or cats in the house who become their friends. People also demand blood for them which is not available, that is why many people also donate blood of dog and cat so that others can benefit if they need it. If a dog or cat is ill and needs blood, then blood is given to them from the blood bank. Dogs and cats also have different types of blood like humans. It has been found that dogs have 12 blood types and cats have 3 blood types.

In addition to Dix, Garden Grove, California, there are animal blood banks in Cayenne, Stockbridge, Michigan, Virginia, Bristol and Annapolis, Maryland, and from time to time, people go to the blood bank to donate blood of their pets. The process of blood donation here takes about half an hour.

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