Drink Keri panna this Summer to gain these health benefits

The summer season is around the corner which brings the different health problems with it. It is very important for us to take proper diet in order to avoid summer problems/ The season requires you to stay hydrated. Hydration is important for weight loss, keeping diabetes controlled and to keep your skin and hair healthy. Water is important for the body to carry out all its body functions.Thankfully there is a drink which can help you in avoiding many problems in summer.  unripe mangoes, or what is called Ambiya or Kairi in Hindi,are extremely nutritious and can be the main ingredient for a super healthy summer beverage.

Gastrointestinal problems - Mangoes are rich in a medicinal substance called pectin. Pectin when mixed with honey and salt, can help in treating gastrointestinal problems and aid digestion. Pectin can also help in the treatment of problems like piles, diarrhoea, constipation. Mangoes are also beneficial for pregnant women as it can help keep morning sickness at bay.

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​Treating blood disorders - Unripe mangoes are very rich in vitamin C. high content of vitamin C helps in treating blood disorders and in flushing out the impurities from the blood. Vitamin C aids the production of new red blood cells. Vitamin C also helps in reducing bleeding and improves the immunity of the body against diseases like tuberculosis, anaemia, etc.

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liver problems - Raw mangoes can help in the prevention and treatment of liver problems as they can aid the secretion of bile acids and keep the intestines clean of harmful bacteria.

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