Drink Lassi to get these amazing health benefits

The healthy and tasty drink Lassi is a popular drink which is one of the best cooling summer drinks packed full of nutrients and vitamins that are beneficial for your health. Essentially, lassi is made by blending dahi (yogurt) with water along with a pinch of salt or sugar.

It can provide your body with calcium, vitamin D and many essential vitamins. Let’s know about the numerous health benefits of the Lassi.

Improves bone health- Lassi is rich source of calcium that is key to lifelong bone health, drinking lassi can help improve or keep your bones strong and healthy. In fact, studies have shown that calcium, along with vitamin D, may help protect against several health conditions, including cancer, diabetes, and high blood pressure.

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Boosts immunity – It i is also rich in lactic acid and vitamin D that can help fight several infections and diseases by keeping your immune system in top shape. Vitamin D has many important roles in the body, including regulating the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. Hence, getting an adequate amount of vitamin D may improve resistance against certain diseases as well as promote the growth and development of bones and teeth.

Good for skin  - lactic acid found in lassi can help remove blemishes from the skin and improve skin’s texture, helping you maintain beautiful and youthful skin.

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Aids digestion

Firstly lassi is very light on the stomach. It contains lactobacillus bacteria (good bacteria that normally live in your digestive tract without causing disease) that can help lubricate the intestines, break down the food, absorb the nutrients and aid in digestion. It is also claimed that lassi can help avoid acids that lead to indigestion and heartburn.

Prevents stomach problems- The good bacteria in lassi can help prevent the growth of bad bacteria in your gut. Hence, drinking lassi can help prevent stomach bloating, constipation and other digestive issues.


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