EAM Jaishankar, Rajnath Singh call on Japanese PM Kishida

INDIA-JAPAN: External Affairs Minister Dr. S Jaishankar  and Defence Minister Rajnath Singh today called on Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida at the conclusion of the India-Japan 2 plus 2 meeting.

"At the completion of our 2+2 meeting, I am happy to meet with PM Fumio Kishida. stressed the importance of current policy and interest coordination between Japan and India, "Tweeted Jaishankar. He noted, "Expressed confidence that the vision he and PM @narendramodi have outlined will be realised quickly. On Thursday, the Defence and Foreign ministries of India and Japan conducted the second 2+2 ministerial. They talked over matters of shared interest and concern on a regional and international scale, notably those pertaining to the Indo-Pacific and Ukraine.

Meetings were held between the Japanese counterparts, Foreign Affairs Minister Hayashi Yoshimasa and Defence Minister Hamada Yasukazu, and Defence Minister Singh and EAM Jaishankar. The conference included a discussion of the development of defence cooperation, according to the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA), and the two parties reiterated their dedication to a rules-based international system that respects national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

"On regional and international issues of shared interest and concern, including those in the Indo-Pacific area and Ukraine, the Ministers had an open and productive discussion. The Ministers strongly reiterated the recent commitments made by their Prime Ministers in their Joint Statement of March 19 regarding regional and international security concerns."

 The Ministers emphasised their dedication to the achievement of a free and open Indo-Pacific region that is inclusive and resilient, built on the rule of law, and unrestricted by coercion. They also reaffirmed their unwavering support for ASEAN's unity and leadership, as well as for the "ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific (AOIP)," which defends ideals like the rule of law, inclusivity, openness, and freedom.

The Indian side raised its support for efforts to improve security and defence cooperation while acknowledging Japan's resolve to strengthen its defence strength. The Ministers highlighted with hope the advancements made in the bilateral security and defence cooperation since their previous meeting in November 2019, which is a crucial tenet of the India-Japan Special Strategic and Global Partnership.

In a joint statement, the parties said that they had "welcomed the deepened cooperation discussed through the Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Dialogue of February 2021, the Maritime Affairs Dialogue of September 2021, the Space Dialogue of November 2021, and the Cyber Dialogue of June 2022, respectively." They anticipated conversations in areas including Security Council reform with a view to enhancing the overall functioning of the UN at as soon as possible, realising the value of multilayered dialogues between the two countries. They recognised the value of advancing conversations in the area of economic security.

The Ministers recognised the enormous potential for the two nations to increase their bilateral cooperation in the fields of technology and defence equipment.

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