Economic crisis looms over South Korea and Japan, government giving money to young people to marry

Seoul: In South Korea and Japan, there is an increasing risk of women not getting married. There are many organizations of women from these two countries who are facing marriage and motherhood. Both countries have joined the countries with the lowest birth rates in the world. Among the countries with the lowest birth rate, Japan ranks first, South Korea at number eight.

In South Korea, many women are running the 'No Marriage Woman' campaign. Through this, women are being instructed to avoid four things. These women are being asked to believe in no dating, no sex, no marriage and no children. Many marriage halls have closed due to lack of marriage rates for women. Here the government is so concerned with this crisis that it is motivating the youth to get married and is giving money to the youth for marriage.

How the situation in South Korea has deteriorated can be gauged from the fact that in a survey conducted a decade ago, about 47 percent of Korean women believed that marriage is necessary. But the survey conducted last year yielded surprising results, in this survey it was found that only 22.4 percent of women believe that marriage is necessary.

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