Effective Japanese method to relieve stress within 5 minutes

Stress is something we deal with it daily. Nothing is good in excess so is with stress.  It can also take a toll on our daily activities, relationships, and work with gets excessively harder on us. One should not ignore the signs of stress as the same can lead to other health issues such as depression, heart diseases, and many more. And now,  this Coronavirus times, stress, and anxiety have gone exceeded the roof. Speaking of some remarkable ways to cope with stress like avoiding anxiety creating foods, taking out some time for yoga or meditation, deep breathing, and having a journal among others are common ones.  

One Japanese healing technique for your stress issue known as The Jin Shin Jyutsu. The best part of this is you can practice this anywhere and anytime.  To practice this technique, one has to first understand that each of the fingers represents a different feeling or attitude.

Step 1: Basically, wrap your other hand around the finger.  Step 2: Then hold for one or two minutes until you feel a pulsating feeling.  Step 3: Do the same process with each finger. Step 4: It'll calm your mind, apply slight pressure in the palm with the thumb of the opposite hand. Hold for at least one minute.

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