Coronavirus enters Pakistan, first suspect found in Pak Abbottabad

India's first suspected case of coronavirus has been reported in the neighbouring city of Abbottabad, Pakistan. Here, a person recently returned from China was found to be infected with the coronavirus. A resident of Ghulam Kashmir's Gilgit-Baltistan has been kept in Ayub Medical Hospital (AMH), Abbottabad.

For your information, let us tell you that the coronavirus originated in Wuhan city of China. There, since December last year, the chain of death due to this virus is not taking a name. In China alone, more than 1500 people have died due to this virus while cases have been registered in many countries around the world including India, although there has been no strong case of Korana virus in Pakistan before this.

Two Bangladesh citizens living in Singapore have been found infected by this dangerous corona virus. In this way, the number of Bangladeshi citizens infected with Corona in Singapore has now increased to four. According to the report published in local media, both new cases have also come up from the people working at the workplace of Seletar Aerospace Heights of Singapore.

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