Five effective home remedies to treat cold and cough

Due to the effect of the changing weather and strong rains, sickness is also spreading to the people. Everyone from the elders to the children is troubled by this weather, the coldest cold and cold is the most common disease in this season and today we are with you. Are going to take some special home remedies by which you can also get rid of this disease. So let's know about these home remedies.

Boil 1 dry ginger, Pippali, Bell's anus and dry grapes in water till they are one fourth. Strain it and boil it after adding mustard oil. When the water blows in the air, cool it down. Then pour one drop of this mixture into the nose. Doing so will stop the persistent sneezing.

After having 2 colds, eat black pepper, jaggery and curd. This opens a closed nose.

Boiling and drinking lukewarm water by boiling it 3 times a day will benefit quickly.

4 Put nutmeg, ginger, and saffron in milk and boil it a lot. When halved, drink lukewarm. There will be immediate relief in cold.

5 Sprinkle seven-eight black peppers in ghee and eat them quickly. If you drink hot milk or water from above, the power to fight colds will increase and phlegm will open.

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