Foreign Minister Jaishankar will hold India's favor after discussions on LAC will be held with China again

New Delhi: After the bloody conflict on the Line of Actual Control (LAC), India and China will be face-to-face for the first time. Foreign Minister S Jaishankar will hold talks with foreign ministers of Russia and China today. This RIC Group meeting will be through video conferencing. At the same time, under the Indo-China tension, Defense Minister Rajnath Singh has gone on a three-day tour to Russia, he will be involved in the 75th Victory Day Parade. During this time, strategic partnership between India and Russia can be negotiated.

Meanwhile, Foreign Minister S Jaishankar has also said in a tweet that, 'Talks with Saudi Foreign Minister Faisal bin Farhan. Our supply chain and trade commitments have been maintained even during the corona. Let us tell you that before the violent conflict in the Galvan Valley between India and the Chinese Army last week, there was a second round of Lieutenant General level talks between the forces of the two countries on Monday to reduce tension.

The country's top military leadership took detailed information of the situation in eastern Ladakh. In the violent conflict in the Galvan Valley last week, 20 Indian military personnel were martyred. The meeting started at about 11:30 am in Moldo, located in the Chinese part of the Chushul sector in eastern Ladakh and continued till night. At the corps commander's meeting, India had heard China fiercely. The attack in Galvan was described as a planned conspiracy and cruel act. Pangong lake was asked to maintain the status quo.

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