Former Japanese footballer test positive for corona

For the past several days, the havoc of Corona has become an enemy of innocent people's lives, thousands of deaths are occurring worldwide due to this virus every day. At the same time, the number of infected people is constantly increasing, not only that, now the coronavirus has also taken the form of an epidemic, after which the food shortage in the homes of people is increasing, not knowing that due to this virus and such There are so many innocent lives that have come to the brink of destruction.

Former Japan international footballer Mu Kanazaki has been found positive in the covid-19 Test. Kanoyaki's club Nagoya Gramps has given this information. According to the report of the news agency Xinhua, this news has come as a major setback for the J-League, which was decided only last week that it will be resumed from July 4. The match will be held in an empty stadium without any spectators.

Nagoya Club said that after Kanazaki was infected, the club staff would now work from home. According to the Kyodo news agency report, 31-year-old Kanazaki had a fever after training in the group on Friday. After this, his test was held on Monday, which has come positive. He is currently hospitalized.

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