From 'farm laws' to 'Agneepath', not only did the country burn, the leaders ignited fire to get power!

The country is once again reeling under the brunt of violent agitations, violence and arson, the reason for which is said to be the Agneepath scheme brought by the central government for recruitment in the army. However, it is also an irony that it is the youth who are dreaming of serving the country by becoming soldiers who are setting the country on fire. Or, let's say, india's sacred land is being thrown into the fire to bake its political loaves. It is a matter of thought for everyone that, a young man who thinks of going to the army and giving his all to the country, can he burn the properties of the country, train, bus, police station, etc. Yes, miscreants can do these things out of hobby, which have no meaning to the country, just they have to fulfill the orders of their political masters and they are also doing it.  

Coaching institutes have also played a big role in this whole controversy. Owners of some coaching institutes in Bihar and Madhya Pradesh have also been detained, who had worked to instigate students. At the same time, the opposition is also working to put ghee in the fire, seeing the government engulfing it. From Rahul Gandhi to Tejashwi Yadav, all opposition leaders are instigating the youth to take to the streets and raise their voice against the government. Rahul Gandhi is also demanding the withdrawal of the Agneepath scheme, referring to the withdrawal of the farm laws. The entire Congress has taken to the streets, already protesting against the questioning of Rahul in the National Herald case by the Enforcement Directorate (ED). At the hands, the Congress also grabbed the issue of 'Agniveer' and rahul's support and opposition to the Agneepath scheme started going hand in hand. Now it has become difficult to find out whether the people who are creating havoc in many states of the country were actually preparing to join the army or they are fulfilling their political interests as members of a party. These allegations against the opposition of instigating people to set the country on fire and spoiling the atmosphere are not baseless, it has been seen many times in the past. To confirm this, it is important to look at a few examples:-

 The Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA):

They say that lies win only when the truth forgets to raise its voice. Here too the truth remained silent and the lie burned the settlements. In 2019, the government came out with the bill, with the aim that people who were being persecuted in neighbouring countries, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh for following their religion should get a life of dignity, their daughters-in-law should be protected and they should not have to give up their religion, which their forefathers have followed for centuries.  At that time it was being said that there was no torture in the neighbouring countries, but after the Taliban rule in Afghanistan, the whole world saw how sikhs came to India from there with Sri Guru Granth Sahib on their heads, during Durga Puja in Bangladesh, everyone saw riots, the fundamentalism of Pakistan is evident. Caa was brought in for the people suffering from all this,  but it was interpreted as something else.  It was presented as if the Government of India wanted to drive Muslims out of the country. In protest, Delhi remained hostage for several months, the streets were jammed, the common people had to face a lot of problems, but the politicians went to the protest sites and straightened their owls. While this battle could have been fought legally in the court, in which the judges would have decided and no common citizen of the country would have a problem. But, there was stubbornness here, and that stubbornness subsided after taking the lives of 53 innocent people. Here we are talking about the Delhi riots, which were systematically instigated during Donald Trump's visit to India, so that when the media around the world is busy covering Trump's visit, it will also see India burning. In a democracy, win-lose is determined by a majority, and even 50 per cent of the people who were in support of the CAA were not against it. But the only fault of the supporters was that they did not take to the streets, they did not hurt any common man, they did not kill Ankit Sharma by hitting a knife 400 times, whose body was found in the drain near the house of AAP councillor Tahir Hussain.  

The Farm Laws -  

In India, the farmers are given as much respect and respect as they may not be in any other country, even in India, the farmers are called annadatas, but even after this, the farmers of the country are forced to commit suicide and live a miserable life. With the intention of improving the condition of farmers, the government brought the farm laws in 2019. But here also Ambani will enslave everyone, Adani will buy the land of all the farmers and spread the illusion that the farmers were taken out of the fields and thrown on the road. The matter reached the Supreme Court, the court constituted a committee and engaged it on the task of reviewing the farm laws. Here the agitation should have stopped and stopped if the politicians had not made a devious plan to hunt for the assembly elections by placing guns on the shoulders of the farmers. Where the elections were held, the opposition leaders would call Rakesh Tikait and start shining their politics in the name of farmers and Tikait would also go there and dare to overthrow the government more than the farmers. This trend of politicians continued and innocent and elderly farmers continued to lose their lives here. Not only did the farmers' deaths take place, but also the farmers' movement was tainted with vandalism by alleging red fort violence, gang rape, murder and desecration. Most of the farmers in this movement were from Punjab, Haryana and some from UP, while most of the political parties were protesting against it in the rest of the country. Here, the Supreme Court committee was engaged in finding out the advantages and disadvantages of the farm laws, the report was prepared and submitted to the Supreme Court on March 21, 2021. The government was in the process that, only after the Supreme Court's report, but the farmers would understand its benefits and withdraw the agitation. Even if the farmers understood, if the politicians had allowed them to understand, they were seeing a big vote bank in the form of farmers.  

Agriculture experts Ashok Gulati, Dr Pramod Kumar Joshi and Anil Ghanwat were members of the Supreme Court committee. The Supreme Court had formed a 4-member team, but farmer leader Bhupinder Singh Mann had distanced himself from it. After the report was submitted to the Supreme Court, there was a constant demand to make it public, but the report was not presented to the public. Finally, after the death of 700 farmers and the loss of Rs 12 lakh crore, Prime Minister Narendra Modi withdrew the farm laws. His words were, "These laws were brought in the interest of farmers and are being taken back in the interest of the country. Time passed and everything started to return to normal, finally the report submitted to the Supreme Court on March 21, 2021, came out in March 2022, stating that 86 per cent of the country's farmer organisations were in favour of these laws. We were shown the tweets and toolkits of people like Greta, Rehana, but the Supreme Court's report was suppressed.  Here too, a large supporting section was defeated only because, he did not take to the streets, he did not block the borders of Delhi and did not create a ruckus at the Red Fort. After the report came out, SC committee member Anil Ghanwat had said that the Modi government has made a big mistake by taking back the laws. Ghanwat has admitted that this report could have explained to the farmers about the benefits of the farm laws and prevented them from being repealed. But if the opposition had not created a ruckus, it would have been possible that 700 farmers would not have lost their lives and the country would not have suffered major economic losses.  

Now the same conspiracy is being hatched for Agneepath:- 

Before criticizing or opposing this plan, everyone should ask one question to themselves, that is, do we not trust our army? The chiefs of the three services- Water, Land, Air, sometimes coming on TV, sometimes going to the Army camp are informing themselves about the Agneepath scheme. Here the Army Chief himself is saying that this scheme is beneficial for the youth. But we have to trust the army more in what the leaders say , who without thinking directly described this scheme as ruining the present and future of the youth and instead of appealing to the protesters to hold a peaceful demonstration, they added fuel to the fire. Who threw the youth into the fire of violence for the low political gains and the property of the railways worth Rs 1000 crore was burnt to the ground. Just imagine, among these youths whose names have been recorded in the police records and they are not taken back into the army, then what leaders will take responsibility for the future of those youths? Those who are worried about the future of agniveers, let us tell them that the governments of Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Haryana, Assam have announced to give priority to agniveers in the state police. The Ministry of Home Affairs and the Ministry of Defence have announced 10 per cent reservation for agniveers in their recruitments. With the passage of time, many avenues will open up for the firemen.  

But seeing their shops being closed, the coaching institutes also acted to provoke the students. After all, in the name of military recruitment in which they used to charge hefty fees from the students, the students will be directly admitted after passing the 10th and 12th, then who will pay the fees in these coaching institutes. Just as the earnings of the arhtiyas from the farm laws were dying, the coaching institutes, which earn in the name of military recruitment from this scheme, are also seen closing their shops. You can judge by looking at the 22 to 25 year olds around you and how many of them are as disciplined and physically fit as the army? How many have earned $23 million by this age? How many have the experience of working with the team? When you find the answers to these questions, you will find yourself that by this age, the youth are mostly studying in coaching and colleges and keep waiting for placements that a company will come and select them. Here, in Agneepath, the army is giving you the opportunity to read along with the employment of honour. Here too, most of the country's population is in support of Agneepath, but a few people are agitating on the streets, there is a sense of protest, and silent support has been suppressed, as was the case during the farm laws and the CAA.  So don't get misled by anyone and always remember that those who dream of serving the country by going to the army never burn the country.     

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