Make Garlic Chutney Recipe at home with this easy recipe

You must have eaten a lot of garlic Chatni in the market, but today we are going to share with you at home. Easy recipe for making this chutney, so what is the delay, let us know how to make it…

necessary ingredients

1 cup garlic cloves 1 teaspoon dry mango powder Ginger cut into small pieces - about 1 tsp 1 teaspoon salt 1 whole red chili and green chili 1 teaspoon cumin seeds 2 teaspoons whole coriander 1 nos tomato 2 tablespoons ghee or oil

Method of preparation: To make chutney, firstly break the stems of whole red and green chilies and separate them. After this wash the tomatoes and peppers thoroughly. Now cut tomatoes into pieces. After this, peel the garlic and separate the buds. Now add garlic buds, red and green chilies, chopped tomato pieces, cumin, ginger, coriander and salt. After this, add a little water as required in the mixer. Finely grind this mixture. If you wish, you can also grind this chutney on the cob. After grinding the chutney, add mango powder to it. Now heat oil in a separate pan. Add the ground mixture and fry for 2 minutes. After a while the oil will start to look different in the mixture. Now turn off the gas. Tasty garlic chutney is ready to be served.

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