If you want to make something special then eat Gujarati curry

Today, if you want to make something very tasty, then you can make Gujarati kadhi. It's easy to make and great to eat. 

Material for making Gujarati kadhi- 3/4 cup sour yoghurt 2 cups of water 21/2 tbsp besan 1 tsp crushed green chilli-ginger 1/2 tsp crushed garlic, optional 1 tbsp sugar salt For the toss: 1 tbsp oil or ghee 1/4 tsp cumin seeds 1/8 tsp fenugreek 1/4 tsp rye 2-3 long, optional 1 cinnamon, broken into two pieces 1 dry red chilli, broken into two pieces, optional 7-8 Curry Address Green coriander, to decorate

Method of making Gujarati kadhi- First of all, use a hand blender in a bowl to mix the curd and besan together until it is soft. Make sure that lumps are not formed in the mixture. Add 2 cups of water to it and take a nap again. After this, put a mixture of curd-besan in a medium-sized deep pan and keep it to boil on medium flame. Now add the powdered green chilli-ginger paste, powdered garlic, sugar and salt to taste. After this, mix it well by running it with a spoon and cook on a low flame for about 10 minutes or until the raw fragrance of besan is tied. Keep in mind that the mixture should be as thin as water. If needed, add another 1/2 cup of water. Amidst all this, heat oil or ghee to make a tadka in a small tadka pan. Add mustard and fenugreek to it, when they start to sprout, add cinnamon, long, cumin, dry red chillies and curry to it; Fry them on a low flame for 30-40 seconds. Now turn off the gas and add the tadke to the Gujarati curry and mix well. Then let it simmer for 2-3 minutes. Turn off the gas and decorate with finely chopped green coriander.

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