Naqvi: Haj Houses to be utilised as temporary care centres for COVID-19 patients

Haj Houses will be utilized as temporary care centers for COVID-19 patients. The Minority Affairs Ministry has decided to convert Haj Houses for COVID patients in care centers amid the spike in cases of coronavirus. India is definitely trying to fight back powerful from corona but the healthcare system of India is facing shortage of oxygen, Remdesivir and beds in hospitals.

Many states in nation have shared there problems against the coronavirus. In such difficult times countries across the world have come in front in support of Indian covid patients. Minority Affairs Minister Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi has also raised his concern over the surge in cases on daily basis. He has decided to give Haj Houses in different states of the country to the state governments to utilise them as temporary “Corona Care Centre"," said on Monday. The Haj Committee Houses are built in many states including Gujarat, Karnataka, Kerala, Delhi, Telangana, West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Jammu and Kashmir, Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan, Bihar, Jharkhand, and Tripura. India is struggling with a second wave of the coronavirus infection and hospitals in several states are reeling under a shortage of medical oxygen and beds. States who can produce the medical oxygen are trying to reach out to other states as helping hand.

With this around 352991 people tested positive for coronavirus infection in a day. This is the highest so far, India's total tally of COVID-19 cases has climbed to 1,73,13,163 while active cases have crossed the 28-lakh mark.


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