Birthday: Bill Gates is world richest person, Know his success mantras

Microsoft founder Bill Gates is said to be the world's richest man. But reaching at this point is not that easy. Bill Gates used hard work and perseverance to reach this point. Today on October 28, he is celebrating his 64th birthday. On this occasion, today we are going to tell you some of his success mantras which will help you succeed in life.

"If you can't do something good, at least try to make it look good."

"Celebrate successes, but do not stop learning from your failure."

"People are scared of new things and later accept them, the invention of electricity is a great example of this."

"If you want to do something big, you have to take a big risk."

"Find lazy people to do some difficult work, they will find an easy way to do that work."

"Do not compare yourself to others, if you do this, you will lose confidence."

"Successful leaders are called only those who help others."

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