COVID-19 vaccination to start in Venezuela Around April
COVID-19 vaccination to start in Venezuela Around April

Covid Vaccination candidates are competitive. Who will come first, let us watch. In La Paz, Venezuela, Mass vaccination against the coronavirus in will likely start in April, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has announced. IN his words it reads: "We are making progress in treatments, medication. I think that, give or take, in April, we will have a large share of vaccines from Russia, China, brought here and produced here in order to start vaccinating the population," Maduro said in a Sunday address, broadcast on Twitter.

Earlier this month, Maduro announced that thousands of doses of the Favipiravir coronavirus treatment had arrived in Venezuela from Russia. In early October, Russia delivered the first batch of its Sputnik-V coronavirus vaccine to Venezuela - the first country in the Western Hemisphere to participate in phase 3 clinical trials of the vaccine.

Last week, Maduro said that the Chinese coronavirus vaccine and Russia''s Sputnik-V would be supplied to Venezuela in December and January 2021 to help the nation start administering vaccines to the most vulnerable categories of citizens, such as doctors, teachers, the elderly and those who suffer from chronic conditions.


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