Follow these remedies to get rid of Acidity

Eating and drinking routines, such as overeating or having an empty stomach, can also cause acidity. Apart from this, pregnant women also have acidity problems. It is very common to have acidity problems. Women become much more upset as acidity increases. If you are also struggling with this problem, then take care of some small things, soon you will get rid of this problem.

Yoga will provide relief in acidity: Do not eat too much food at once to get relief from acidity. A little strolling after eating is also necessary. Yoga is also very beneficial in getting relief from this. Pawanmuktasana, Vajrasana, Naukasana, Surya Namaskar, Shavasana, Bhujangasana, Bhramari Pranayama are very effective for relieving stress.

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Relaxation in acidity with these food items: If the acidity has increased too much, then you will get gourd, barley, wheat, pumpkin, parwal, cooked bananas, papaya, amla, pomegranate, milk, honey and more Things like sugar should be taken. Also, note that if you are getting very upset about anything. Worrying and stressing about something also increases your problem, so relax.

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Don't skip breakfast: Often women eat breakfast late or leave an empty stomach due to the busy house and office in the morning. This also leads to acidity. Try to have breakfast in the morning at the right time, so that your energy level remains throughout the day and you will also get rid of acidity.

Follow an active lifestyle: If you are active in your daily life, then you can overcome acidity to a great extent. Morning walk, exercise, small work, maintain your physical activity so that the process of your digestion is correct. If you work sitting all day, then it is very important for you to be active in the morning and evening. This can effectively avoid acidity.

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Try Fried Food: Things like fried, spicy, high salt or sour food items, pickles are not easily digested. If you spend most of your time sitting and working, then taking such food items will cause you even more problems. In such a situation, it is best for you to have a balanced amount of oil-spiced food items, which will not require much effort to digest your stomach. Whenever you take oily food, then take a sufficient amount of water and liquid diet. This will keep your process of digestion right.

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