This disease will be overcome with onion juice, relief in period cramps

Apart from hair, onion is also very beneficial in relieving stomach pain. Actually onion contains elements like vitamins A, B6, C and E, sulfur, chromium, iron, which are beneficial for health. So let's know the benefits of onion.

Good hair growth: To increase hair, add onion juice in castor oil and apply it on the roots of your hair properly. By applying this mixture on the hair regularly, the hair growth starts to grow well and within a month, the hair grows. Apart from castor oil, you can also add coconut oil in onion juice and apply it on your hair.

Digest food properly: Those people who do not digest food properly, they should drink onion juice. Food is digested properly by drinking onion juice. After meals, add turmeric to onion juice and drink this mixture.

Hair to be strong: People whose hair is weak and breaks easily. Those people apply onion juice to their hair. Applying onion juice on the hair will make the hair stronger and their fall will also stop.

Finish the freckle: Apply onion juice on the face when there is freckle on the face. Applying onion juice to the face eliminates freckles. Apart from this, the stains on the face are also cleared. Actually there is sulfur inside the onion which acts to lighten the stain.

Dandruff: After dandruff, mix onion juice with curd and apply it on your hair. Applying onion and curd paste on the hair will eliminate dandruff and the hair will become soft.

If you have period pain, drink onion juice when you have abdominal pain. This pain is cured by drinking onion juice. If women have stomach pain, mix honey with one spoon of onion juice and drink it. The pain will disappear as soon as they drink. If you want, you can also add sugar in onion juice instead of honey.

Clean the eyes: By pouring onion juice in the eyes, the eyes get cleaned well and the dirt present in the eyes comes out. Therefore, if there is dust or dirt in the eye, you should add onion juice.

If there is a stone in the kidney, drink one spoon of onion juice daily. By drinking onion juice, the stones stored in the kidney will come out and you will get relief from this disease.

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