Why you should start eating “Cauliflower” ???

Cauliflower is rich in anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds and may boost both your heart and brain health. It is a member of the cancer fighting cruciferous family of vegetables.

Fights cancer

Cauliflower helps in reducing the risk of cancer such as breast cancer, bladder cancer and lung cancer. Many of the vegetables that belong to the cruciferous family have been linked to reduce the risk of cancer

Heart health

Cauliflower is a heart healthy vegetable. It helps in maintaining the heart and the cardiovascular system.

Lowers cholesterol

Cauliflowers nutritional benefits include it being a rich source of fibre which helps in lowering our cholesterol levels.

Rich in calcium

Cauliflower also contains calcium which has numerous benefits. Calcium helps to make our bones and teeth strong along with many other important functions like transmission of nerve impulses.

Promotes weight loss

One cup of cauliflower contains about 30 calories. It is one of the non-starchy food items that can be eaten in unlimited quantity.

Bone health

Cauliflower contains vitamin C which plays an important role in the production of collagen that protects the joints and bones from inflammatory damage. It also contains vitamin K, which may help in preventing bone loss in both men and women.


Inclusion of cruciferous vegetables such as cauliflower is extremely important to detoxify the body. It contains Indole-3-carbinol that helps in activating and regulating the function of detoxifying enzymes.

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