Heart Diseases Originate in the Womb!!!

The heart is the first organ to form during development of the body. When an embryo is made up of only a very few cells, each cell can get the nutrients it needs directly from its surroundings. But as the cells divide and multiply to form a growing ball, it soon becomes impossible for nutrients to reach all the cells efficiently without help. The cells also produce waste that they need to get rid of. So, the blood and circulatory system, powered by the heart, together form the first organ system to develop. They are essential to carry nutrients and waste around the embryo to keep its cells alive.

According to a provocative new field of research, what happens during pregnancy can have lasting consequences. During the first thousand days of development, from conception to age 2, the body’s tissues, organs, and systems are exquisitely sensitive to conditions in their environment during various windows of time. A lack of nutrients or an overabundance of them during these windows programs a child’s development and sets the stage for health or disease.

When a foetus is faced with poor food supply, it shunts nutrients to its most important organ, the brain. The heart, kidneys, muscles, bones, and other tissues don’t develop as they should. The food a pregnant woman eats, her weight and fitness, her stress level, and the drugs, pollutants and infections she is exposed to can trigger changes that also make her baby vulnerable to disease after birth.

The current advice for pregnant women still stands: Eat nutritious foods, exercise, reduce stress and avoid smoking and drinking.

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