Ghee, turmeric and these home remedies will make mouth ulcers disappear

Mouth ulcers nowadays bother people every other day. These blisters are usually small, painful wounds and develop in the mouth or on the basis of gums. You must be aware that they also make it difficult to eat, drink and talk. If you drink less water or eat too much chilli-spicy food, they are more likely to grow. However, today we are going to tell you the home remedies to drive them away.

Apple Cider Vinegar: Apple vinegar (Apple cider vinegar) is the most effective remedy for blisters. In fact, it contains some acidic elements that kill your blister-forming bacteria. To use it, mix a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with a teaspoon of warm water and leave it in your mouth for a while and then spit out. Then rinse with plain water. Do this twice a day.

Cloves: Use cloves if you are suffering from blisters. They are very beneficial in eliminating bacteria and healing your stomach ulcers. You must use them once.

Honey: Honey has antibacterial properties and can be very beneficial in eliminating the bacteria of ulcers. If you have blisters in your mouth, take a teaspoon of honey on a cotton pad. Now put it in that place.

Aloe Vera: Aloe vera can be helpful in curing your mouth ulcers. For this, you have to take a little aloe vera juice and put it in your blistered place which will give you instant relief.

Turmeric: Turmeric is best applied to mouth ulcers. For this, you have to add water to turmeric and make a smooth paste and apply it to the blisters. Leave this paste in the mouth for a while and then spit. Finally, rinse with plain water.

Ghee: Ghee is also considered effective in curing blisters. Take a little ghee on your finger and then apply it to the blisters. It will benefit.

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