In the period's problem Apaan Pose is beneficial, Learn how to do this and Benefits

There are many types of treatments for the problem of periods. But do you know yoga can also be used to treat it. Today we're going to tell you about yoga that you can treat your problem. When doing yoga, you are seated in different postures which have their own special importance. In this link, we bring you an idea of the method of your currency and its benefits. So let's know about it.

also read Yoga Day : Learn the Benefits of Bhastrika Pranayama and the proper way to perform it

method to do pose

First you sit comfortably on yoga mats. Now keep both your hands on your knees. Then touch the index finger and the finger with the thumb. Keep the first and last finger straight. Now relax and close your eyes. Sit attentively for 15 minutes. You can make your currency anytime during the day.

Advantages of sitting in your posture

- To pose your pan helps to remove toxins from the body.

- Maintaining this posture for 15 minutes cleans the toxins from the body and strengthens each organ.

- It helps to control urine.

- If you have low sweating, this pose treats it too.

- Your posture relieves constipation.

- Reduces anger.

- Keeps the teeth healthy.

- Strengthens digestion.

- Improves eye light.

- Treats the problem of periods too.

also reda Yoga Day: These yogasanas relieves from mental illness

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