Lucknow: Yogi Adityanath, the chief minister of Uttar Pradesh, said on Saturday that under Prime Minister Narendra Modi's capable leadership, the world has acknowledged the potential of India. "Under Prime Minister Narendra Modi, India has experienced a surge in confidence. India is now too important for the world community to ignore when making decisions. This demonstrates India's strength, the CM made the statement while opening a photo exhibit in celebration of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's 72nd birthday at the Indira Gandhi Pratishthan in Lucknow. "The entire country is jubilantly commemorating the honourable Prime Minister's 72nd birthday today. There are several activities scheduled for today. I have the opportunity to participate in this photo exhibition with all of you on this particular occasion. I applaud the state on this occasion and send the honourable Prime Minister my best wishes for a long and healthy life" the chief minister said. The CM said, "When we look at India's current growth trajectory, we can see how 'Avinashi Kashi' (Kashi-The immortal city) marked the beginning of this trajectory." He urged that the eight years the PM has spent fighting to progress Uttar Pradesh's development have been highly motivating. Adityanath went on to say, noting that the Prime Minister represents UP in the parliament as a well-liked MP of Kashi, "Under the leadership of the PM for the past eight years, the dream of great men about the sort of India they envisaged at the time of Independence, is being realised." The CM said, "The Prime Minister had directed our attention to a key issue: Saamarthyamoolan Swatantrayan, Shrammoolan Cha Vaibhavam," in reference to PM Modi's speech at the "Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav." "This suggests that our independence can only be protected by the strong, and that India's grandeur is solely dependent on the size of our labour force. One can only gain power in an environment characterised by harmony, a desire to join Pancha Prana, which aims to build a developed India, respect for tradition, a spirit of cooperation, and a dedication to duty-honesty" the CM said. In his speech, the Chief Minister said that if everyone started putting an effort at the local level, the Prime Minister's vision of a "Aatmanirbhar Bharat" could be realised. We may increase exports while reducing imports, which will reduce our reliance on other countries. The Prime Minister has done a lot to promote excellence during the last eight years. The Prime Minister's Startup Scheme, Make in India, Digital India, Standup India, Mudra Yojana, Kisan Samman Nidhi, and Beti Bachao Beti Padhao are a few examples. Everyone in India benefits from this programme without any exclusions. India is strong in this area, the CM said. Underscoring the Covid management model of India, the chief minister said, "The lockdown during Corona caused a tremor throughout the world. India was the only nation where the Prime Minister had the support of the entire nation. More than 80 crore people in India received free rations. In the nation, free vaccine doses total more than 200 crore. The PM's effective leadership is to thank for this." Dalai Lama extends birthday greetings to PM Narendra Modi PM Modi releases Cheetahs in Kuno National Park, watch these amazing photos HM Mandaviya adopts 40 TB patients on PM Modi's birthday