Nepal shows many areas of India on its new map

Despite India's objection, Nepal's Oli government has started preparations to bring the new map into circulation. On Sunday, Nepal's Ministry of Land Management, Cooperation and Poverty Alleviation sent a circular to all state offices for political and administrative Ordered to be included in the map. In the new map, Nepal has shown India's Limpiyadhura, Lipulekh and Kalapani in its territory, which India has objected to.

The letter, quoting Janak Raj Joshi, joint secretary and spokesperson of the ministry, has been sent to all the ministries, constitutional bodies and subordinate offices. Bring this new map into implementation. In the letter urging to create an atmosphere of consensus among all political parties, the ministry has also asked all offices across the country to change the old map afresh.

In the meeting of the Working Committee of the House of Representatives on Sunday, the Government of Nepal has been urged to create an atmosphere of consensus among all political parties on the Constitution Amendment Bill. Experts in Nepal's diplomacy sector have emphasized the need to make urgent efforts to reduce the conflict between India and Nepal. Tension between the countries is not better for either country who shares a good relationship. Former Foreign Minister Dr Bhesh Bahadur Thapa has also said this.

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